Relationship Recovery Program

Josh Kellar, LMFT, LPC

Finding the Spark Again:

Relationship Recovery Made Simple

Uncover what isn't working, discover how to address it, and recover the spark in your relationship using the Relationship Recovery Roadmap

Over the years I’ve worked with countless couples who feel stuck in their relationships. They were once madly in love and now feel disconnected.

These couples share things like, “We’ve tried everything from self-help books to retreats and nothing seems to work.”

And, “I’m just not sure we can recover from our hurt – it’s just too painful.”

Finding yourself in this place can be incredibly overwhelming – especially if you don’t see a way out.

In working with hundreds of couples, I’ve learned that most just need a solid plan that gives them hope that their relationship could possibly be different. I’ve discovered how to zero in and focus on the root of the problems and help couples to really hear and understand each other.

I’ve taken what I’ve learned and developed a roadmap to help couples recover the spark in their relationship. It’s a clear and simple way to know where you’re at and where you’re going in the process of healing.

Join me in this 90 day process to recover who you are, your passion for each other and your purpose together.

For you and your relationship,

~Josh Kellar, LMFT, LPC

This nine-step Relationship Recovery Roadmap will help you and your partner understand what is keeping you stuck, and move toward a thriving relationship in just 90 days.

Here's How It Workds

Get started with an initial zoom consultation between you, your partner and I. We will get to know each other and determine if we’re a good fit to work together.

Then schedule preliminary couple and individual sessions for me to assess exactly how you feel in the relationship and determine how to customize your process.

Finally, start weekly appointments to address what isn’t working, how to fix it and move towards a more thriving life together.

Phase 1

We'll gain an understanding of your relationship history and the ways you came to be where you're at. We'll take a look at the interaction patterns that keep you stuck and discuss a customized plan to lead you toward recovering the spark in your relationship.

Phase 2

We will learn how to share the deeper feelings that are the result of wounds in the relationship. We'll see how your triggers keep you stuck in rut creating cycles. We will also develop ways of communicating about your hurt to each other in ways that leave you both feeling heard.

Phase 3

We'll identify what it looks like for each of you to be the best version of yourselves. From that secure place, we will move towards recovering passion, desire and romance for each other. With the connection restored, you will find the purpose of your relationship and how to live it out for the rest of your life together.

What Would it Cost You and Your Family if Nothing Changes?

An entire vacation wasted feeling miserable about time spent together.

Relationship frustration creeping into job performance?

(Tens of thousands of $ in potential raises, promotions or career advancement)

A divorce? (The average cost is ~$30,000)

Instead of potentially having to pay more than $50,000 because of a troubled relationship, this program can help you to keep your hard earned money.

Scroll down and read through everything that is included then book a consultation to discuss with me how I can best help you!

Because this program is so effective, space is limited so go ahead and book the free consultation NOW while you’ve got all the information in front of you.

Here's what we'll cover...

  • The reasons you might shut-down in an argument.

  • What it looks like to feel deeply connected to your partner DURING conflict.

  • How to share fondness and admiration the way your partner really appreciates it.

  • The feeling of a genuine, heart-felt apology.

  • How much better sex is when you're emotionally connected to each other.

  • Ways to intentionally create a legacy of trust and commitment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this program different from traditional counseling?

Many therapists offer tools and skills that are helpful. The Relationship Recovery program, however, has been specifically designed to follow a plan that meets the needs couples most often have but may not be able to articulate.

Is it private?

Yes, 100% confidential within the rules of the law.

How long does it take?

The program is for 90 days. Additional time is available at the end of 90 days at a discount if purchased by the month.

How do I know if it’s right for us?

A free consultation is the first step to answer this question. We will meet via zoom for you to ask your specific questions and see if it’s a good fit.

What if my partner isn’t interested?

Usually, hesitant partners are disinterested because they do not know what to expect. That is part of why the Relationship Recovery program is so effective. There’s a clear goal with a well-defined end point.

Is the consultation really free? 

Yes! There’s a fully refundable, $100 deposit to secure your spot on my calendar.  Once the consultation is complete, it’s fully refunded.  No questions asked.

I can say with certainty that if nothing changes, nothing changes. Your investment in your relationship will not be returned void.

If you follow the program and are not 100% satisfied, I will prorate the time left and provide a refund.

Sign up now for the FREE consultation to get started!

Again, space is limited for the Relationship Recovery program. Rediscover the spark without fear of getting stuck!

Still have questions? Not a problem!

Schedule a consultation and find the answers you’re looking for.